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The best restaurants in Cuba

The best restaurants in Cuba

Restaurants in Cuba offer exceptional gastronomy. It is a true local art. Cubans have a wide variety of dishes to serve. From picadillo to moros y cristianos and the famous lobster, you'll love it. You can be served at the homes of Cuban friends. But you can also be served in a good restaurant. There aren't many good restaurants in Cuba. That doesn't mean that there aren't a few that make the exception and delight their customers.

Restaurants in Havana and elsewhere serve a multitude of popular dishes. There's 5 Sentidos and Finca Paraiso. But there are many other good restaurants.

5 Sentidos

It stands out from the crowd thanks to its decor, which is a little bit special. Not so big, but so well appointed. The walls are decorated with wrought-iron sculptures. The different shapes make for an attractive sight. The colour is yellowish. It consolidates the attraction of the walls. Visitors are sure to find something to their taste, especially as the premises are so well maintained.

In this idyllic setting, beautiful steep staircases lead up to a first floor. This floor is very intimate, with soft lighting. In short, an ideal spot for lovers. The chefs serve local fish tartare. They also serve octopus wok. A delicious, carefully prepared dish.

This is a highly recommended restaurant for gourmets in search of good food.

Finca Paraiso

A good restaurant in Trinidad. It's not far from the city centre. A few minutes by car and you're there. It's right in the middle of fields and exotic plantations. What's more, it serves Cuban specialities worthy of their names. The star dish at this restaurant is roast pig. It is served by the armful, so much so that customers ask for it. But it's not the only dish, because you can also order a lobster dish. In Cuba, lobster is king. It's practically on every menu in every restaurant.

The highlight of the service is the guarapo. This is homemade sugar cane juice. You can even watch it being prepared, if you like. What's more, being right in the middle of nature, the restaurant offers its customers the chance to take a walk. That's right! Customers can go for a walk or a horse ride. The area is naturally magnificent.

Casa Austria Camagueyana

This restaurant is on the outskirts of Camagüey. It is well complemented by its customers, especially tourists from Europe. The owner is of Austrian origin and has managed to combine European and Cuban tastes. As in the other restaurants, the first dish is lobster. It is served with black beans and rice. This is a rather original Cuban dish. On the other hand, there's the goulash. This is a famous Viennese schnitzel. It is also very popular in this magnificent restaurant.

Casa Austria is one of the most successful restaurants. It is highly recommended to visitors.